Stewey is ready to roll, snapping others as they arrive.
All those who made it, get ready for the chair lift ride up to the Natural Bridge.
Tom wonders where Wompus led the other lambs.
Phillip and Jaime hang and wait with the rest of us.
Susan, Zmean1.
Kelly and Yummy.
Snap happy people!
Tom telling Phillip "which a way that there other group shoulda done gone" (or something like that).
Look close - those aren't bugs - they're BUZZARDS circling Susan!
I rode the chair lift with Blondy, Kelly is ahead of us with BillyG.
Great scenery, all that rain has made it very lush!
Kelly tries to get some spare change from the money rock.
Jaime and Phillip arrive at the top of the lift.
Followed by Utemike and Tony D.
Patience and Biglefti.
Susan was almost askeered as I was!
The group gathers for Kilo's memorial.
Patience, the daredevil.
A Good-Bye to Kilo.
Sending Kilo off to the earth, trees and sky.
The narrow passage to get under the bridge - claustrophobics need not apply.
First try at a bridge panoramic, 9 pictures. Will try again later.
More of the group arriving under the Bridge.
Another view of the trail back to the top of the Bridge.
Checking out some neat features at the base of the Bridge. Patience tried her hand at rock climbing but Grandpa scared her!
Interesting deposit marks left on the walls.
Kelly, don't look at this one - there's a spider in there.
Yet another view of the Bridge.
Another panoramic, this time using 19 pictures. Still learning...
The passageway facing back up the trail - very wet and muddy.
A couple more VROCers on their way to the Bridge.
Some riders headed of for more riding. Tom Miller, Kelly and I headed back to the hotel. Along the way, I scared Kelly with my riding as I made it a close call with oncoming traffic when executing a pass in order to catch up with Tom.
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